Dizzy News: All Lovebugs are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Dizzy's recipe for a good night's sleep:
"A tablespoon of
joint juice. A half glass of any red juice. Cranberry, strawberry kiwi, wildberry, cherry, any of the above. And you top that off with one of those flavorless sodas. And that's how you pass out. "

"Back when corporal punishment was allowed in the school system, I remember mouthing [oh my God] in school one time and the teacher threw chalk at me. So now when at all possible I try to use "oh my goodness" instead."
Why did she say this? There was a clown coming to class.
Chat: "Was it a sexy clown?"
Dizzy: "No. It was a Jewish clown. He read us a story about... you know there are a lot of weird stories from my childhood, moving on."
"Hopefully I'll be able to make some good choices, like not becoming a Jewish clown for a living."
She keeps getting whacked in-game by random IEDs.