Sperging Summary
DISCLAIMER: Liveposting timestamps are approximative, they do not account for latekin, delay times, etc. Expect to go back (or forward) up to 5 mins into the VOD for normal posts and up to 8 mins for screenshots and other media
Ongoing Stream: my viewers sent me their pets...
00:27 | post | Image: not enough karma
00:35 | post | she confirmed earlier that it has to be over a day old, which is where the confusion likely came from. Is it an automatic restriction? Or is AF being a F4gg1t.
00:38 | post | Its the default option iirc, and a decent way of keeping people from spamming shit.
00:43 | post | Image: Crowned Cat
00:48 | post | Tweet: Pippa the super prepper
00:48 | post | Image: what are all these "approved x minutes ago" notices at the bottoms of the posts? meanwhile pippa sorts by new.
00:50 | post | To be fair, they do need a system to stop the windmills, roommateposts and goatses from showing up on stream.
00:53 | post | they could just remove the bad ones instead of approving the "acceptable ones"It wasn't on the newer posts at the start of the stream, as far as i could tell.
00:55 | post | What was the worst thing to happen to that dog, having his balls off, or getting downvoted by Pippa?
01:13 | post | Image: Borzoi kills a pitbull
01:21 | post | Image: Borzoi looks silly from the front, I love them
01:23 | post | >Pippa confused why so many Reddit users are into Overwatch
01:24 | post | Pippa Quote: (ugly dog looks like a thug) Looks like he's going to pull out a Glock!
01:35 | post | Pippa's true legacy, giving male pets feminine names and just added (male) to the end
01:35 | post | She wants to shill Rye more
01:35 | post | Yuko raid. Cue an influx in pitbull submissions.
01:36 | post | Pippa couldn't help herself.
01:37 | post | Worse then zero, she was just unsubtle enough to draw attention to how unsubtle she was
01:38 | post | Rye's in a very unique position where absorbing a bunch of Harines from Pippa promoting her would be a genuine improvement.
01:43 | post | Harines are more interested in fucking each other.
01:44 | post | Would a troon chaser that doesn't even watch Pippa count as a fan?
01:45 | post | The troons they're hitting on do.
01:46 | post | Image: damn neoniger ants, where's the OGnigga ants?
01:53 | post | Tweet: Rackets supports livestreaming court cases, what about his own...
02:00 | post | Her previous crowd had an actual convicted pedophile in it.
02:05 | post | Pippa really does make friends with great people.
02:12 | post | The only people who takes pictures of dying pets are either doctors or psychos.
02:30 | post | Zatsu pet talk is just so cozy
02:42 | post | This is an incredibly convoluted way of saying she wants a slightly different backdrop for the once a month she opens a curtain.
02:46 | post | Pippa Quote: Amber looks like she would own slaves.
02:53 | post | Sure are calling a lot of things ugly for a chick with missing teeth and unwashed hair.
02:59 | post | Is she talking about the Cat Cafe?
03:02 | post | Link: the stream in question.
03:03 | post | She can always go over to Twitch for react stuff, like everyone's been fucking telling her.
03:08 | post | PIPPA [insert context] DEAD [insert additional optional context] LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
03:17 | post | Getting mad over someone modding your fan game is retarded shit.
03:20 | post | TLDR of the Holocure debacle.
03:27 | post | Potentially Criminal raiding again.
03:28 | post | God I can't stand these faggots in chat complaining their submission got missed, there's hundreds of the fucking things, no shit she's not gonna get through all of them.
03:30 | post | Sean always came off to me as pretty real and chill.
03:30 | post | Sean is vehemently against balldoguarding/aggressively shits on Rekieta for being a piece of shit.
03:35 | post | >I hate backseat pet owners >spergs out about outdoor cats at every opportunity
03:48 | post | If a dog's watching a rabbit, it probably means he wants to eat it.
03:48 | post | Don't apologize to the spergs, you 'tist.
Pippa raids Clara
post | Pippa needs to chill out on the "disappointing people for not reacting to their pets"
post | Yes Pippa thank you for finally at least starting to learn the giant amorphous blob that is 'the audience' will never all be appeased at once.
post | Those Siamese cats were apparently Sayus according to some /lig/ger.
post | how the fuck do you get out debate bro'd by a fucking v-tuber?
post | It wasn't really a VTuber, it was Stardust.<span data-s9e-mediaembed-iframe='["allowfullscreen","","scrolling","no",
post | Shiina clip: Never endorse a reddit.
post | Just tell people to treat it like gatcha. Maybe she sees it maybe she doesn't. Be content you're supporting your oshi.
post | A great idea.
post | Wikidog's Phase janny past
post | Tweet: Sean says he's seen Rekieta's household state prior to the police raid.
post | Tweet: PTR
post | Pippa Tweet: Pippa apologizes
post | Guess people complaining got to her
post | She privated the vod as well..
post | The subreddit is gone. She full on wiped it.
post | Of all things she would apologize and private over, this is the most mild and non issue one.
post | Image: Sad tha pippa privated the VOD, but reddit hate increased overall.
post | That stream was fun and Pippa did nothing wrong!
post | Link: AF archived the stream.
post | Image: AF explains.
post | So was it the fancord doing the bitching then? If so a pattern
post | Tweet: I think I figured out who's on wrangling duty for this.
post | Tweet: Panko shills Phase coffee
post | She implies no more fan submitted content review, lol, lmao even.
post | Yuni Tweet: Shit must have gotten real if she is out there defacing ds's
post | Reddit's sorting system.
post | With her hiding her likes before stream, I think she was already in menhera mode and the people complaining just pushed her over the edge.
post | Was that opt in? Cause I went digging through my settings and didn't find an option, unless thats a checkmark thing?
post | It's a checkmark thing.
post | Image: Not so tame pcg posts.
post | Tweet: Crowdfund for Nick's arrest footage.
post | Tweet: A second notarized affidavit has hit the crowdfund
post | Pippa just needs a nice pizza, cheer her right up
post | Posts tame by /vt/ standards, since they managed to make their point without talking about raping any of the talents.
post | The recipient of these messages is an autistic, anxiety-ridden woman that sees herself as a contaminant in the vtubing sphere.
post | Overall there is no ideal way for a streamer of Pippa's size to accept fan submissions.
post | The Reddit thing did work, and was a decent solution to the problem, the issue is retards seethed over it for the most retarded of reasons.
post | They don't seem to realize this also isn't the first subreddit she's made either.
post | Wikidog lives rent free.
post | The "him" was referring to one of the /pcg/ migrants, I think DTrp's post.
post | PCG= pussys, cucks and Gays
post | Google forms has the option for form validation. Just have it reject anything that isn't an imgur link (or whatever approved site link).
post | Pippa shilling Rye really brought out a shit ton of schizos.
post | Just imagine when she invades
post | Did I mention Rye is friends with a convicted pedo, Pippa is also friends with a convicted pedo, sleepy is also friends with a convicted pedo.
post | WAT
post | Pippa Clip: She even has a shirt to remember him by
post | "One guyed I dont know why it doesnt matter how hard I try I keep getting baited by the fags in my community."
post | When it comes to Rye becoming an invader, I usually would say something like "Please God let this happen because it would be so funny" but no... no please god, thats not THAT funny!
post | Image: She really brought out the yuko schizos last night with the Rye stuff.
post | Tweet: Nick's arrest footage release crowdfund goal REACHED.
post | In her New Year stream, she was talking about complaints starting to get to her because of her size, It's going to get worse as she grows.
post | Most of yuko's antis were former boo bros.
post | Pippa clip: Why am I so retarded.
post/A | She's moving on twitter. chance of stream guesses? I'm going with 40%
post/A | The last retweet was 30 minutes ago.
post/A | I don't think she should stream while she's not in the best mental space.
post/A | Why was there a negative reaction to her finally leaving her house, going to Japan, and hanging out with coworkers?
post/A | It was her being vague and only saying she would miss one week of streams then next morning going "tada I'm in Japan".
post/A | She's probably just nervous that someone'll identify her at offkai.
post/A | This, of course, just raises suspicions about her going to OffKai. Terrible opsec. Which, of course, is on par for Pippa.
post/A | Expecting someone who suffers from anxiety and paranoia to tell you where they're going to be in the future is retarded.
post/A | Pippa Tweet: No stream, Offkai reasons.
post/A | Image: Pippa is safe in her hole.
post/A | Hope she's stopped brainworming over the Reddit BS.
post/A | Image: Horror stream, start concernposting
post/A | Tweet: how long before she falls for centurii chan?
post/A | Would be funny if the rail king gets drunk and decides to fire up a stream.
post/A | Chatgpt makes a meat Pippa recipe.
post/A | Tweet: Donald Trump Rule 34
post/A | War Cleric ponders over a pipnig final solution
post | It is Yuni's birthday today.
post | The only appropriate time to say happy birthday.
post | Image: She privated the subreddit.
post/A | Tweet: Rezuul at Offkai, is that why she cancelled stream...
post | Meat recipe by chatgpt.
post | Tweet: Educate yourselves and look up Rule 34 of Donald Trump.
post | Pippa made a choice when it comes to the order of submissions. She never said she was going to go through all of them.
post | The kind of people who would apply to be a community manager are the kind of people who'd want the clout that comes with it.
post | Yeah, only a megalomaniacal sperglord with delusions of grandeur would be interested in having that position.
post | Image: a megalomaniacal sperglord with delusions of grandeur
post | Someone decided to put Pippa's cooking stream from the other day in the KF Community Happenings thread.
post | Well, it was the volunteers who complained about Kirsche being there...
post | Image: They took 'er rrats...
post | Can we go deeper on the schizorrats ?
post | Image: pcg dunks on wikidog.
post | They think he's proctor
post | This just convinces me that 95% of 4chan posters by this point are just A.I bots, or the same 10 equally demented people.
post | Archivebro being the reason Kirsche isn't at offkai would be incredibly funny.
post | Image: Have a Pippanzer.
post | Someone bought a Pippa standee with 10oz of silver.
post | Josh Moon?
post | 10oz of silver is about $300... aren't standees only $15? they got ripped off
post | Tweet: Phase-Friend Metokur continues slowly dying:
post | Image: A screenshot of a pcg post that has screenshotted a tva post containing a pcg screenshot...
post | Good god, this is gay.
post | Image: pipkun's necro dizzy art
post | Image: pipkun's pippa and nasa nword.
post | Tweet: No stream today.
post | Image: Pippa i'm gonna kill myself.
post | Remember how she was for the first couple years? Traumadumping may as well have been her main content.
post | Reezul is at offkai.
post | Image: pippa bought koinu's plushie.
post | Reticule in shambles.
post | Not revealing she's at offkai is opsec smart.
post | Yeah but the stream cancellations 8 minutes before stream times would make some people lost trust.
post | She'll yap about it and someone will know it was Pippa from her stories.
post | Tweet: Rekieta Update
post | Tweet: Pippa gave it the retweet congrats to pipkun
post | Ralph Clip: I want Rekieta to go on a rant like this.
post | Image: They found her...
post | Guy took a creepshot, so no, it's not just some harmless tomfoolery, it's actually deranged behaviour.
post | Allspark and Guardbro are the two big boogeymen for the disenfranchised boo bros.They were the ones the driveby back in January was sperging about.
post | Tweet: Guardbro ? The one moonshine retweeted today?
post | Tweet: Hina tells you to wear deodorant.
post | Image: Pippa's next online catfish.
post | Tweet: Pippa retweet. The stuff from the con looks really nice, I'd have loved to get the Pippa thing from the booth relay they did.
post | Tweet: FPI Pippa
post | Tweet: Phase polaroid.
post | Tweet: Runie has pico coffee.
post | Tweet: Pippcrucifix.
post | Tweet: she died for our tisms
post | Wasn't Idol supposed to be making shipping things out faster?
post | It was 100% a lie.
post | Image: 3d byt they're still flat...
post | Tweet: Pippa sings at Offkai, and Kevin is a twink.
post | Tweet: Pippa debuted a new original song.
post | A compilation of the pippa concert clips.
post | Tweet: Shiina streams lone star
post | Tweet: Colress cosplay
post | Tweet: Colress vored
post | Tweet: Lil' bro tries to lift her spirits.
post | Tweet: Her appearance at Atrium will hopefully make her a bit happier
post | Apparently a new drug that causes teeth to regrow has passed animal testing on ferrets and mice. I wonder if it'd work on rabbits?
post | Tweet: We'll find out
post | Tweet: Little snippet of her song, guess this is all we get for now until someone uploads it
post | Image: Rock Solid, a popular twitter account and capipi, is being cancelled for being a neo nazi, we're so proud of him...
post | Tweet: Busy at Offkai still.
post | Image: I predict Pippa will play the new Japanese horror FOTM game.
post | Tweet: Crossposting because relevant: one of Offkai's volunteer moderation staff is confirmed to be a Pippa hater.
post | Tweet: Chio's disappointed in the pippanties
post | Link: cell phone recording of new original pippa song
post | Image: Capipis in dresses are having orgies.
post | "Pippa's fanbase is racist and homophobic."Meanwhile, Pippa's fanbase is brown and gay. Words truly no longer have any meaning.
post | I'm starting to think OffKai needs on-site HIV testing like the furry cons have.
post | Image: HIV test demans at an all time high.
post | Image: Short has priorities.
post | Image: Orgy update
post | Image: Prostate is being gay, day ends in y.
post | Image: Archivebro is seething on the Capipicord.
post | A few years ago, I'd have assumed being a Mahjong streamer would safely carry a man to wizardhood.Now, though? Bitches love tiles.
post | A dedicated TF2 chuuba would probably just be a troon. Thread recommends TF2Tubers.
post | Everyone should stay up late, just in case.
post | I hate that this is technically correct,the best kind of correct, and that there is an honest to god chance that this is her mentality.
post | Pippa is finally off the robot.
post | Tweet: guardfag egosearches.
post | Pippa Tweet: Thanks Offkai.
post | Something in a few minutes
post | In comic sans? Really?
post | Its over. Brave Group is buying them out.
post | The announcement's running late, Sakana HATES us too!
post | It got delayed
post | Pippa did say she would stream tonight, and this came up right after.
Stream starts: Announcement. 6.2.24 (privated)
00:01 | post | Girls can't impregnate girls.
00:01 | post | Explain women-only prisons then.
00:03 | post | Those are our retarded sad girls alright
00:04 | post | offcollab v2
00:05 | post | Well, she is streaming as promised.
00:05 | post | Pippa being gay already
00:06 | post | Oh tenma is there too
00:07 | post | Tenma goes to California and gets sick.Makes sense.
00:07 | post | to all those that said "no way is pippa going to the con that's retarded"> no you
00:10 | post | Honestly, Shiina is hitting all the major notes of Lia here
00:11 | post | Get a bunch of girls in a room together, and it will result in one of two things: war or gay.
00:13 | post | Everyone watched Pippa while she slept
00:13 | post | "I think we all watched Pippa while she was sleeping"
00:13 | post | "We all watched you sleep pippa." Well that's going to do wonders for her paranoia later!
00:17 | post | You could dox all of them at once by looking for the hotel room with the noise complaints.
00:19 | post | What the fuck is this devolving into
00:21 | post | So the girls Pippa has not met in person from gen 1 are Uruka, Michiru and Lori?
00:21 | post | Salad is good, it's very refreshing.
00:22 | post | Too many women with same type of voice talking at once. More Pippa please.
00:23 | post | Does dizzy get the money from the PC yt channel, she just called it her channel?
00:24 | post | *clicks on stream* So they put salad dressing on their vaginas *closes stream*
00:26 | post | "So to get on a topic that won't get this channel banned"Since when was Dizzy this optimistic
00:27 | post | Tenma is BLACK
00:31 | post | Ah man you guys are going to be LIVID when pippa cancels the next two weeks because she got COVID.
00:32 | post | So we've gone from Salad, to Anal, to Salad, to Covid, to Airi's Airi'sNow how are they going to get this back to Lumi's salad
00:32 | post | Pippa's all ready to act like a lesbian until the lesbianism actually starts.
00:34 | post | Image: Artists please deliver.
00:35 | post | You will never be a young woman playing with your female friends.
00:39 | post | Airi Quote: Hey Papakin, hey daddy
00:43 | post | No stream tomorrow. Everyone's dying from covid.
00:44 | post | Sakana is gods most asian diver
00:44 | post | >Lumi wanting one of the Asians to make the racist joke for her
00:46 | post | lumi got a discount because the guy wanted to hit on her
00:47 | post | get ready for some rackets style content soon
00:49 | post | "anime sucks... cope & sneed..."
00:49 | post | Airi's a serial killer.
00:50 | post | Dizzy Quote: The song to bully minorities with.
00:54 | post | Pippa is getting mogged right now
00:55 | post | This is the closest Pippa will ever get to sex.
00:55 | post | Could this be any gayer?It will be.
00:56 | post | Eimi sexually assaulting pippa. You did it femanon you finally raped pippa.
00:58 | post | so's spaghetti until it gets wet
00:59 | post | Remember, racist and homophobic company.
01:00 | post | I was wondering how it could possibly get more gay, but Uruka just turned up.
01:05 | post | Pippa least gay, today is a good day.
01:06 | post | Pippa Quote: I'm extremely hetero
01:08 | post | >Dizzy showed her nipples to at least 3 phase girls unpromptedWhat is wrong with this stupid woman?
01:09 | post | The art this entire stream will spawn is going to be interesting.
01:12 | post | Her greatest fear is going to come true, a group of boobs are going to pin her down and force her to watch her own content
01:13 | post | Kson's still waiting, Pippa!
01:14 | post | Did they say something thousand DMs she hasn't responded to?
01:15 | post | FIVE thousand.
01:16 | post | "Runie your being quiet" followed immediately by sound of bottle being pulled from mouth
01:19 | post | The goal of this stream was, and I quote, to "give Sakana a heart attack"
01:19 | post | So they're not close to the con according to dizzy at least6 or 7 hours away
01:20 | post | How many of these girls would still be alive 30 years later? Lumi still has a russian aristocracy to back her up so she's fine
01:21 | post | Kino
01:21 | post | Bully Pippa more, thanks
01:23 | post | Airi Quote: Pippa you can't escape me, you sleep next to me
01:23 | post | Pippa getting crushed to death when she sleeps, god damn.
01:26 | post | There's a joke to be made about growing seven inches, after what happened earlier.
01:28 | post | Capipi orgy in session
01:29 | post | JL7TN is at the Capipi party at the con right now...
01:30 | post | That doorbell is actually scary, there are only so many hotels in the area if they're using one reserved by the con.
Phew, from page 1160 to here in 2 hours was an experience, Reticule getting cucked was my fav part

So anyway, anyone have the announcement VOD at hand ? I only had the privated link to put up. And no I didn't read the last 5 pages.
E: Thanks to @Bronze for the Announcement VOD link.
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