"If your discord is down rn, you can notify me with telepathy or say nuts 3 times in front of a large mirror"Ayunda Risu

Pippakistan's Psych Ward

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Planetary Bombardment

It's the only way to be sure.
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irc.rizon.net #TheVirtualAsylum
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Henrik Carter

One last time.
Joined:  Mar 30, 2023
Yeah, we waited for about two days. The latest of all late.


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Planetary Bombardment

It's the only way to be sure.
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"I care about what people think of me, but not in like the way where I care what people think of me, you know?" - Slimekin Slippa


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PIPPAPOSTING V2 : Sperging Summary

Prev. - Pages 601-650 - Next

DISCLAIMER : Liveposting timestamps are approximative, they do not account for latekin, delay times, etc. Expect to go back (or forward) up to 5 mins into the VOD for normal posts and up to 8 mins for screenshots and other media

🔴 Ongoing Stream : A game where every choice matters...

01:32 | post | Never tell an injured person how bad it is, that's how you put them into shock and reduce their chances of survival!
01:39 | post | Lia Quote : ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES AND LIARS!
01:39 | post | Formerly Pipkin becomes Reticule
01:41 | post | Y'know, there are times where beating your wife is justified.
01:42 | post | "I cheated so you should too that'll fix everything."

01:44 | post | Sometimes it's better to leave the bullet, you might damage nearby nerves trying to remove it, but that's different from bleeding issues.
01:46 | post | "Daddy? Is Mommy going to die?" " YES ." - unanimous response.
01:51 | post | so far what has this game's message been? dont race mix?
01:53 | post | I refuse to believe people were paid to write this game...
02:06 | post | Video : Suicide mentioned.

02:08 | post | "PIPPA MY WIFE JUST DIED"
02:11 | post | Oh goody, another women for them to get killed, they had just run out
02:23 | post | They finally thought to fail a QTE
02:27 | post | "What is this accent" - Pippa, 2.5 hours into the game
02:45 | post | Pippa Quote : Sorry Clara, Loki's dead

03:10 | post | So the only character in this game who's not a piece of shit is Vince and he's unlikeable
03:14 | post | What the fuck is this ending?
03:16 | post | I still can't believe Jim faked his canceraids.
03:16 | post | Screenshot : The only properly-cast VA in the entire game.
03:30 | post | Rie is live... will she? E: damn, she HATES Rie!

➡️ Pippa raids Clara

post | Ending of the game is weird
post | Tweet : Pippa liked Kirsches reply to Coomalot.
post | Pippa was the only reason he got any notable attention so he wants that high again.
post | Image : Coomalot digging down

post | He really comes off like a person that's never been told no, finally getting told no.
post | Camelot responded to Pippa's post within half an hour.
post | Coomalot is ragebaiting and playing up an internet supervillain act
post | Waiting room for April 1st stream
post | Slimekin karaoke ? or a marmot model ?

post | Essay : Coomalot, a story of inadequacy, shattered aspirations and loneliness
post | Waiting room is up : reddit night
post | I choose to believe this thumbnail is a stealth DSP reference.
post | Screenshot : what's dsp ?

🔴 Stream starts : AITA for making my girlfriend wait to go to the ER?

00:01 | post | Thhrang is met with the sheer amount of normies Pippa has curated into her audience.
00:08 | post | Pippa is wasting the damn coffee
00:10 | post | Null is on hiatus from MATI.
00:21 | post | Pippa Clip : Pipkin Pippa (39yo Male)
00:23 | post | Image : Battle of the Reticules

00:29 | post | Pippa Quote : If you have a problem, you can just solve it.
00:34 | post | Pippa Quote : Your wife seems like a dumb bitch.
00:36 | post | "This is not based, this is acting like a child." It's Reddit
00:44 | post | Pippa's going to get one-guyed into some premium Pippa opinion rants if this keeps going.
00:44 | post | Image : Pippa quote on a shirt

00:52 | post | Pippa if you even marry a lesbian please get a Prenuptial, PLEASE
00:59 | post | Hey Pippa, can I use the clip of you saying "YamanbaYamanbanii" as a sound alert?
01:12 | post | Blue Pippa is now Poultry Pippa
01:13 | post | Eimi is the only one live until Clara at midnight. raid ?
01:19 | post | Reticule is back from his Morioh escapades

01:21 | post | How long until he gets smacked again ?
01:22 | post | "How did they think you were laughing" fucking tourists, really. Maybe after the last few laughs they understand now
01:23 | post | Pippa Quote : AnimeHoleRapist, thank you for becoming a Big Pipi.
01:25 | post | Remember the HITLERHATESYamanbaS saga?
01:26 | post | HITLERHATESYamanbaS is a true and honest capippalist though, he deserves his recognition.

01:31 | post | Only the homeless and illegals get free shit here
01:32 | post | If you can demonstrate financial hardship, ambulance companies do have compassionate care programs much like hospitals do.
01:42 | post | Screenshot : "I close my eyes, but the meat horrors don't stop" -Thhrang, probably
01:46 | post | Solid Reticule (Pink Reticule) is unwilling to fight and Liquid Reticule (Blue Reticule) is too much of a pussy
01:52 | post | Screenshot : Thhrang disappointed in his creations

01:57 | post | Image : The Myth of meat consent (TN: imma need therapy after this...)
01:59 | post | Image : Pippa Quote Motivational Poster
02:05 | post | The father won here. "Cool, free dog!"
02:13 | post | The Green Ranger is the coolest.
02:13 | post | The white ranger is the best

02:13 | post | White power!
02:22 | post | Link : A r/whatisthisthing stream would be pretty fun, have her try and guess what stuff is before looking at the answer.
02:25 | post | People get life-changing money, and the first thing they always think about is college.
02:25 | post | Poor people are retarded.
02:28 | post | Wills are a good thing to have even if they can still be fucked with

02:28 | post | Spend it all on vtubers.
02:33 | post | You can pick anything by yourself, get a cert to solidify it. beyond that is just networking or be Crassus
02:33 | post | Pippa Clip : she misreads Sopmod supremacy's name
02:34 | post | Having even a basic will in place is a huge gift to the people who have to deal with the mess.
02:37 | post | Bro has no biological connection to his siblings? Fuck em.

02:42 | post | Image : Blood is very important, Pippa
02:46 | post | Any reason for thinking the bad friend was Lisa?
02:48 | post | It was a shitpost that lisa stole millions, molested her, that's why Pippa moved.
02:49 | post | I miss LisPa uuuuuuuuuuuu.
02:50 | post | Another reason for the Lisa rrat

02:55 | post | Pippa Quote : It's not your day to be a princess, you delusional freak.
02:55 | post | Pippa Quote : Isn't a wedding supposed to be about how much you love your husband
02:56 | post | Pippa would only accept a wedding ring made of dinosaur fossil, obviously.
02:59 | post | Pippa is currently being educated on how women think.
03:00 | post | She didn't complete the woman tutorial

03:02 | post | Once again, Pippa showing she is actually above intelligence, the horror...
03:04 | post | Cody's girl is practical
03:06 | post | Careful bro there is a non zero chance she leaves you for pippa
03:08 | post | First Jim's wife, now Cody's. Pippa's a real home wrecker
03:11 | post | If you get your girl a diamond, make sure it's a blood diamond, the suffering makes it all the more special.

03:17 | post | It's so Pippover for Cody
03:29 | post | "What's Cathy going to do throw hands" Yes, she would
03:51 | post | You probably can get away with screaming at a wedding if it's of the melanin side...
03:55 | post | Pippa is a hyperspecialized but useless outside her zone
03:59 | post | So she's autistic?

04:06 | post | The mental image of a 5 dollar bill slowly inching out of her room via ant theft is really funny
04:08 | post | Death to ants for such vile crimes.
04:14 | post | Pippa Quote : If she had died, she'd be dead
04:22 | post | Bike cuck!
04:24 | post | The way she said "Stole my bike" sounded very...

04:24 | post | Bike, Nico stole my bike...
04:24 | post | "What are you going to do, kill them?" Yes.
04:29 | post | "Hide the body" always do
04:31 | post | She hates her coworkers!

⚫ Stream Ends​

post | She was only able to link the schedule page today since it's Rie's night off.
post | Tweet : Metokur still fucking refuses to die.
post | Image : Nico stole my bike
post | Blue Pippa's eating spicy noodles
post | Meat Lore explanation, Kojima would be proud

post | Screenshot : Blue Pippa, the hope of Britain
post | Have we considered that maybe it's the name itself that's cursed?
post | Pippa should get an official 2024 USA Jigsaw Nationals 500 piece puzzle and speedrun it.
post | Who is Solidus Reticule and who is Venom Reticule? (TN: please no)
post | Pippa Tweet : No stream today

post | It's just date night with Rezuul again.
post | Another friday stream cancelled. I am shocked.
post | You guys are talking more about rezuul than /pcg/ is.
post | But /jong/ has little to no issue with him, most are just enjoying watching his downfall
post | Image : Safe pippa tunnels

post | Tweet : Filian collabs with Pippa on Wednesday
post | fillian doin a lot of shit with phase, is she joining?
post | It's Mythic / Phase Connect synergy. Filian is a business genius.
post | Doesn't she have more subs than all of Phase combined?
post | But that free gym membership though

post | Thread is gay, more news at 11.
post | Chat reflects our streamer.
post | Meat Pippa is NOT straight.
post | Remember when Reticule was Kiraposting about Pippa's hands while she was colouring in a children's activity sheet.
post | Debating a jew, an analysis

post | More Reticuleposting
post | Why is there two Reticules...
post | Image : We ARE the Meat Man
post | Pippa Tweet : Take a a pic of the Pippa shirt at Hot Topic
post | Maybe she'll forget about this one like the pet one

post | Video : Metokur on Gail
post | Waiting room is up : She's wasting money on random shit (TN: day ends in y)
post | Screenshot : Not sponsored
post | Playasia has some alright stuff. Getting to $1,000 will be tricky
post | There is nothing more freighting then when a women says she has an idea

post | she's just exploiting the "big number in the title = views" meta, right ? right ?
post | i hope she's just window shopping
post | Remember the anime figure review stream ? she's definitely doing this.
post | Screenshot : Is this her first simulcast stream?
post | Pippa being a woman

post | Mod Spotted in Metokur's chat.
post | Pippa streams are so fucking bad these days even the house negro wants out. Can not fabricate.
post | We have Jim at home

🔴🟣 Stream starts : My Chat Spends $1,000 Vtuber Merch

00:03 | post | Twitch is working for her right now.
00:06 | post | Twitch is unusable without the HTML5 extension.
00:07 | post | Screenshot : a poor femboy in the making
00:08 | post | I love that they keep clicking on her
00:12 | post | she didn't realise chat would just vote for all the expensive shit

00:14 | post | Marine got the Rinmama seal of approval today
00:15 | post | Lisa? You mean the woman that scammed Pippa out of a BAZILLION dollars.
00:18 | post | Pippa Quote : I don't have a CD player.
00:23 | post | Most new PC builds don't include them as standard, hell some cases don't even have space for one.

00:29 | post | Pippa is the Little Sister. Marine is actual wife material.
00:31 | post | "does anything work on the Twitch app"
00:32 | post | Imagine being pippa.
00:37 | post | Vote for PastelMelon, buy some Nanobites merch on Sakana's dime.
00:42 | post | she's actually buying...

00:44 | post | Clio stopping by to shill her merch.
00:46 | post | So when is she going to start saving money to buy that house?
00:47 | post | Pippa is a woman.
00:51 | post | Yoro cute. Yoro cool. Watch Yoro.
00:51 | post | Her ability to just have these perfect comedic timings is something

00:52 | post | yoro has a nice voice
00:56 | post | I like that Pippa has turned this into "Let's directly shill other vtubers" I'm not joking
00:57 | post | It looks like Nyaru lost weight.
00:58 | post | Nyaru Clip : Loud and Brown
01:05 | post | WE WANT HAGS

01:06 | post | Pippa raises a community of coomers Mad that they coom
01:07 | post | The one chance to make her buy an air freshener and only 10% of people see the wisdom of it
01:07 | post | Chat reflects the streamer. And after the porn retweets she can't argue otherwise.
01:12 | post | Tits? Ass? No, we want the Based Neuro.
01:12 | post | Damn she is fighting those allegations... and losing. Those allegations are beating her ass

01:14 | post | Screenshot : Pippa would've picked the milky mousepad
01:16 | post | Imagine going to yoga class in your cartoon fat chick sweat pants
01:17 | post | now thats a nice daki Numi holy shit it squishes...
01:19 | post | You can squish the numi tummy
01:19 | post | almost sold her on the tummy poking

01:22 | post | Jims description of Pippas stream: "She's got a wad of 20s sitting by a fire and burning it."
01:23 | post | Don't worry MOM, I'mmma throw it out when I find a husband
01:23 | post | Metokur Clip : wads of $20, burning it
01:23 | post | Context on the Numi poster : she used to practice her first kiss with her shower wall
01:29 | post | Numi's either gods horniest femcel or shes on par with Runnie for the kayfabe

01:33 | post | Making Pippa buy the poster of Sleepy in the swimsuit is the ultimate insult.
01:35 | post | She's gonna order herself a couple Shylily posters after stream.
01:35 | post | Image : Pippa seethes over Sleepy's swimsuit
01:37 | post | Chat is going to force her to actually buy furniture just to have space for all the mousepads and desk mats
01:38 | post | Plot twist, she was gonna buy all this anyway, but she wanted a tax write off

01:39 | post | Aw shiet she read my comment.
01:39 | post | Pippa I'm pretty sure your parents know you're hella gay.
01:40 | post | Nipple time.
01:41 | post | I don't know how people are still attracted to ShyLily after the chocolate mousse thing.
01:41 | post | Showcasing merch of some of the smaller indies like Yoro to her audience is pretty cool.

01:43 | post | Juni merch on screen
01:44 | post | When the horny overpowers the desire to not get banned
01:45 | post | "It's a pornography store. I was buying pornography."
01:46 | post | Pippa breaks the site

01:51 | post | Pippa's doxing herself again...
01:54 | post | Why did she go to the one website that is 90 percent porn only to complain about the porn? Ah yes, she is retarded thats right
01:54 | post | Capipis are coomers, it is well known.
01:57 | post | How much will she go over the 1k limit?
01:57 | post | Yes
01:59 | post | Pippa Quote : There's a band-aid covering her pussy, that means it's sfw

02:00 | post | Her covering up tits and coochie is still a ToS violation. Patched after the "censor bars" arc.
02:02 | post | N30's joining Takodachi on that spreadsheet
02:03 | post | It WAS a tax write off.
02:04 | post | Sakana can I use the company cc? To create good streams, right? riiiight, PURCHASES PORN
02:04 | post | >80+% no to the Millie poll

02:06 | post | Pippa Quote : Witness protection. 'Tell us what you saw!'
02:07 | post | luwud : Pippa I'm getting DDOS'd lets gooooooooo!
02:10 | post | Did anyone else think Porn when she said Melon Planet or is it just her...
02:11 | post | Nano spotted
02:14 | post | anyone who doesn't vote for Lisa is a fed

02:14 | post | Why would I vote for someone who stole a bazillion-gazillion dollars from my oshi?
02:15 | post | Everyone's obviously voting Nano
02:16 | post | and now fishman will be forced to inherit nano merch if/when Pippa hangs up the rabbit ears
02:17 | post | "I'm not paying for her shit" - Fishmanprobably
02:18 | post | she won't even buy her own socks...fake Pippa fan...

02:18 | post | Nooooo we don't get to see Hee drink vtuber hot sauce ....
02:20 | post | Image : Pippa in the wild
02:22 | post | "We're barely buying a hoodie we're buying an art piece"- Pipkin Pippa
02:22 | post | Screenshot : Sakana in shambles
02:23 | post | Pippa is going to get a stern talking to after stream.

02:25 | post | 100% on socks... it's so Pippover
02:27 | post | Metokur Clip : It's Reticule
02:29 | post | What's the appeal of Dakimakura's ?
02:32 | post | Shiina Clip : You stuff them with a body pillow and ground pound them
02:33 | post | "Your honor I didn't kill that man the voices in my head did"

02:38 | post | Image : Over 1k of merch. Oh Shit
02:40 | post | It's gonna go over 2k.
02:41 | post | She's gonna go into debt
02:43 | post | Last minute additions after already going $250 over??? Our oshi is so retarded bros
02:44 | post | Tweet : Nano's watching.

02:50 | post | "Last thing"
02:50 | post | Hot sauce tasting stream let's gooooooooooo
02:53 | post | She really should actually try to get deals with the merch dealers for streams like this.
02:55 | post | DM from Sakana : I'm gonna be gone for next three hours
02:55 | post | Sakana saw Nano merch and fucked off

02:56 | post | "My viewers spent all this money" never her fault
02:57 | post | Video : Sakana when Marine merch is mentioned
02:59 | post | Bribe status: failed.
03:04 | post | "It's coooooonteeeeeeeent". It's like she's learned literally nothing.
03:04 | post | >Even if one day I can't still be a vtuber Like when the revenuers come for their back pay?

03:04 | post | Pippa no one needs to narrow shit down, you'll leak it.
03:07 | post | It would be a problem had she not moved several months ago
03:10 | post | Thank God she's so ADD about picking a place to actually live.
03:11 | post | No raid, question mark?
03:12 | post | Didn't her parents house already get doxxed long ago?

➡️ Pippa raids Henya

post | Pippa Clip : a real female wouldn't need to advertise herself as such
post | "I just spent all that money, did sakana really mean he's not gonna help cover it, can I actually claim it as an expense, who do I need to talk to for that, can someone at phase help, if not can I ask my parents, if not can I afford it, what actual real life necessity do I cheap out on for weeb shit this time." Pippa, in bed.
post | Pippa clip : Chat, I am female
post | Pippa Tweet : She slipped and added another item
post | "Just one more"

post | Tweet : Luwud meltdown
post | Image : So she put the april fools stream to the 3rd! Now that's a good joke
post | So what's for the Tuesday stream? Nothing?
post | Probably the second part of the As Dusk Falls collab, if I were to guess.

post | Pippa Tweet : Colress doesn't exist
post | Image : you know who has a lot in common with hitler ?
post | So she wants Lumi but taller and with more money?
post | Tweet : collab coming up with lumi, shiina and dizzy
post | Pippa Tweet : no Katawa Shoujo this week

post | Image : Well, the napkin math kinda checks out
post | Tweet : Panko dunks on pippa.
post | Tweet : Nyana will be dissing Pippa
post | The diss track in question
post | I've got a question, did Ken Ashcorp ever release his full Pippa The Ripper cover?

post | Don't recall him posting anything other than that clip on twitter
post | Kirsche clip : Kirsche is a bad influence
post | Tweet : Terry sings PTR
post | Tweet : Blue Pippa
post | Image : Euphoria collab

post | Sour Grape quote : I'm here to eat cake and kick your ass but I'm still eating cake.
post | Image : Thhrang's trial by meatposter
post | Tweet : Your honor, my client simply taking a photo of a building with a Pipkin Pippa keychain can in no way be reasonably construed as a terroristic threat
post | Content Warning : new FOTM

post | Image : BunhongTokki get banned for saying he's underage
post | Tweet : Blue pippa tired
post | Didn't BunhongTokki give her a large enough dono once that she was worried about him? That's more disturbing now
post | "Why couldn't it be an underaged chinese Oil Baroness??!" - Pippa thinking to herself seething probably
post | Here's a fun game to play before Pippa streams start again - spot the underage!

post | Reminder: superduper doesn't have admin access to his computer. He is probably desperately counting down the days until his 18th birthday so proctor can't execute him
post | Tweet : Blue Pippa's abusing women again
post | Pippa Tweet : No stream
post | Pippa Tweet : Pippa lusts after Slugma
post | Kirsche Quote : 'Pippa cancelled' GOD DAMNIT! I miss Pippa uuuuuuuuu!

post | Pippa Tweet : Rie got her twitter nuked.
post | Image : The Pippa's are turning into Rackets...
post | Reticuleposting.
post | Jelly and Pippa are in talks about a Tekkit 2 Minecraft series sometime in the future.
post | Pippa Tweet : Waiting room is up
post | Phase beggars in Kirsche's chat

🔴 Stream starts : Ultimate Idol Debut

00:02 | post | SHE IS HERE.
00:04 | post | Image : Slimekin
00:07 | post | just debuted and already fed up with chat
00:07 | post | Slipper works well as a slur.
00:09 | post | She didn't get accepted into Phase World Art School, did she?

00:09 | post | Image : is Slimekin Metokur's distant relative ?
00:10 | post | Phase got Glados? Really moving up in the world
00:11 | post | How would Pippa react to dragon quest and the pun possibilities ?
00:12 | post | Rinmama, Granrunie, Elmo, Slugma and Glados for the next gen.
00:14 | post | Makes me once again wish she did some art streams

00:14 | post | Image : Slimekin art drawn quick.
00:14 | post | yea who would set it as a pfp
00:15 | post | Slimekin Slippa Nyanners REAL?!
00:16 | post | I hope she sings her greatest song: Slippa the Ripper
00:17 | post | Holy shit she's drinking water.

00:17 | post | Image : Slimekin with her Slimic
00:17 | post | Truly, the end of Pippa, and the rise of the Slime.
00:19 | post | The gelatinous Pippa
00:20 | post | Can someone to animate the Slimekin chat emote into a proper dancingpudding?
00:21 | post | Pippa is stealing Lisa's song because she HATES her!

00:22 | post | Lisa clip : Radical Sheep
00:26 | post | Pippa coping that vtubers are to blame for her inability to read emotions.
00:27 | post | Is my wife mad at me, or did she accidentally hit her "angry" toggle?
00:27 | post | "I clicked on an Asmongold video, why does Pippa leave these open"
00:28 | post | Slimekin The Ripper.

00:29 | post | Image : Absolute Cinema
00:29 | post | the real streamer is here.
00:29 | post | It would be really funny if she deletes the original and keeps the Slimekin cover up instead.
00:31 | post | Now let's see if she'll sing Pomf Pomf.
00:33 | post | Image : Tenma the voice of the people

00:35 | post | Pippa Quote : I care about what people think of me, but not in like the way where I care what people think of me, you know?
00:35 | post | Tweet : Jelly has PTR now
00:35 | post | We are so fucking back bros
00:35 | post | The slime...nis is real?
00:36 | post | If you don't change your PFP to Slimekin Slippa you're a fake fan.

00:38 | post | "Slime in the showers at Ram Ranch"
00:40 | post | Tweet : Jim Endorses Sliemkin


Last edited:


Well-adjusted Individual
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Punished Autism Extraordinaire
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♥Realticule's Husbando♥
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If you don't change your PFP to Slimekin Slippa you're a fake fan.


Demands thhrang stays atleast 300 yards away.
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✡︎ God's Chosen Schizo ✡︎
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Resident Pippa complainer
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This song is somehow worse with slime improv.


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Best ram ranch version, technically not even gay too :smugpipi:

Pippenis Inspector

Tism Extraordinaire
300k Cuck Chair
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
My first time opening one of her streams had this playing as the BGM and I hadn't heard it before.
Funny how nostalgic it makes me now.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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>"Slime in the showers at Ram Ranch"


Resident Pippa complainer
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if you don't glow?


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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Punished Autism Extraordinaire
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