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dang, I hope it's a step up to management and not something else. The tone of some of the other members tweets has me worried, but I'm probably just reading too much into it.
I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you Proctoc, but most Vtubers DFE when people start digging around. Not everyone is Pippa, where they just don't care. Despite whatever legitimate purposes you have to look into her, there are a lot of antis who will take what kiwis find and use it to...
I think it's fair to look into it, but I'm extremely skeptical it's going to go anywhere. I'm skeptical of Virial, since he's an ex that was directly in the center of the gaslighting and backbiting shitfest that was Cyberlive as a whole. The 4chan/Bunke stuff is also hard to verify, since it can...
Feels like I'm late to this, but I don't think you can boil it down just the content. Context does have an impact on things. You can tell a Hololive fan the McDonalds in the airport is made the same as the one in the middle of Detroit, but we both know the people inside and the immediate outside...
I think Pippa's offkai rant about dramaposters is going to be even correct now. If Null talks about either Gator/kiki, I have the feeling there is going to be even more shit stirring between anti loli and anti politics types.
It's 100% because mods want to minimize the amount of gayops. You can't stop Henri from shitting things up, but you can minimize catalogue posters metastasizing into creep gangs by having a paper thin rule to justify banning them on the spot, since they always chimp out and show what a retard...
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