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Something that doesn't seem to have gotten shared here:
Apparently some dude collapsed during fes due to how hyped he was (kek) and this guy helped him
Dude was fine
Happy ending
Okay so read these two passages:
"And out of the west there would be at times a great cloud in the evening, shaped as it were an eagle, with pinions spread to the north and the south; and slowly it would loom up, blotting out the sunset, and then uttermost night would fall upon Númenor."
I don't hate reaction videos, but to me they're only interesting if the person is either knowledgeable about the subject and adds context, a big fan of the subject and has fun gushing about it, or is actively willing to learn from the subject.
Dollar-store kirsche is just like asmongoloid, she...
Balrogs do not have wings lol
inb4 "b-but tolkien says they h-have wingz..."
Learn what simile is you swine
The most accurate depiction of a balrog is just a tall flaming dude/fire spirit, not a literal Christian demon. I love the jackson films but they have severely damaged popular...
Tsk tsk tsk, all of you are NORMIES, a true Tolkien fan knows that to achieve true purity you have to read all of the supplementary volumes! And don't forget the compiled letters of Tolkien!
Only then will you become a true and honest fan, only then can you count yourself as a lambengolmor!
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