"My gah I feel so crumsy, don't laugh at me guys! Please! It's just a normal lice you know? I'm gaming! You know instant lice is very reasonably, handy, easy to cook... no I don't have a lice cooker, you guys have one?"Meloco Kyoran

Recent content by MrProcessor

  1. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

  2. MrProcessor

    PixelLink - Here to post pixels and share links, and they're all out of pixels.

    I look forward to her collabs with Henya.
  3. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    She's doing so much better these days...
  4. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    Dead Money, I remember this. It came out a year or two ago right?
  5. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

  6. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    Hmm, I've bought some Touhou games on Steam, but I still need to really focus on them. I've been playing this one for years already, but it's not a typical Touhou:
  7. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    This game was a big win for the guys who made it, at least with vTubers. They never seem to get tired of it.
  8. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    I chose... poorly.
  9. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    My first game console was one of those "it just plays pong" consoles, and my next console after that was the Magnavox Odyssey. So... there are no retro consoles.
  10. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

  11. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    Use your red truth when you say things like that.
  12. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    This one is also by Ryukishi07 I got it, I've started it but I'm not done with it yet (of course, I also am only about 50% done with Umineko, I have finished Higarushi). Oh, and I can recommend this for people who like Umineko:
  13. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    Well, not for me, I only play Christian games like this:
  14. MrProcessor

    Vidya Games Thread

    I already got this one for the Switch (on an import cart), but I figured I'd let everyone know it is on sale on Steam. The name change is rather annoying (From Needy Girl Overdose to Needy Streamer Overload), but if you can get over that it is at least cheap.
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