"We should mirror our brains not the controller"Kaela Kovalskia

Recent content by Last Of The Mohicans

  1. Last Of The Mohicans

    The Anti-Girlfailure Thread... aka the Girlsuccess Thread?

    She is a robotics engineer, if that counts. Built a quadripedal robot to apparently integrate and be controlled by Neuro.
  2. Last Of The Mohicans

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Brother this isn't the Pippa thread, you gotta name names.
  3. Last Of The Mohicans

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Yes or no question: Is it mostly about the union VA's bullying that new guy from Japan, or is there more to it? I can do my own research if yes but it seems actually kinda simple.
  4. Last Of The Mohicans

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    I can't find the clip but this same chick did a solo cast where she called her brother on air to ask that "What's the craziest thing that happened this week?" question. He started to get into "Well some guys brought me a clip of..." she cuts him off and doesn't want to hear it, hangs up, and...
  5. Last Of The Mohicans

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    This is why I'm of two minds about it. Knowing how the modern internet/social media operates I tell any of my cousins or my brother who have kids DEAR GOD NEVER PUT PICTURES OF YOUR KIDS ON ANY PUBLIC SOCIAL MEDIA IN FACT YOU PROBABLY SHOULDN'T EVEN LET PEOPLE KNOW YOU HAVE KIDS. So under that...
  6. Last Of The Mohicans

    Hololive General

    This one's one of those ones where I want it to be Differences In Direction. At least that way we can be reassured she'll still be back around.
  7. Last Of The Mohicans

    Vidya Games Thread

    watching the Direct after all you did. That Rhythm Heaven Groove game is going to do damage to people if they're actually putting in a level that is "Watch your wife from behind make lunch for the family while swinging her hips to music"
  8. Last Of The Mohicans

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    FOUND IT Archive Timestamp 8:03 for lead-up and context of the convo, actual bits discussing the supersekrit discord is at about 9:20
  9. Last Of The Mohicans

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    Do we know if Merry and Geega were doing VR Chat? I distinctly remember when Geega first joined VShojo within that first few weeks she was on stream yapping with Merry about "the good old days" of some Discord server (the name of which got censored in the clip) and how they're now surprised...
  10. Last Of The Mohicans

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    I'm just curious on how such a weirdly high population shadow network of the modern EN vtubing scene was birthed out of VR Chat. Other than "person pretends to be cartoon character" there is like hardly any connection, especially given VR Chat isn't even a stream platform just a fucking game...
  11. Last Of The Mohicans

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    There's one chick that did a podcast with her brother and hoo-ee we are ALREADY getting that DLC.
  12. Last Of The Mohicans

    Hololive General

    "I can take off the maid hat and apron but then i just look like my good little Christian girl." -an actual quote You are desperately underestimating how many people are very into EXACTLY THAT.
  13. Last Of The Mohicans

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Hmm, it's almost like "video games" is way too broad of a subject to contain in a single thread, even when the thread only has maybe 10 active posters. frz and hff don't worry I'll get to your stuff, I just have a busy day and I gotta get my energy up to screedpost unlike proctor. tl;dr you...
  14. Last Of The Mohicans

    Kaminari Clara, Owner of Chuds - Memorial Post Dump

    If my memory serves, she had like one tweet hugging a black man at a convention and put the BLM hashtag on another one. Let's not invent shit.
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