"-Somehow- [the Vtuber thread] is generating more reports than the whole Ukraine War subforum and that's just not on"Murazor

Recent content by Koronesuki

  1. Koronesuki

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Those are Warhammer orks. I don't think that's what the professor had in mind at all.
  2. Koronesuki

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I mean they're built different because they were creations of Aulë the Smith (although he couldn't actually give them life), but Eru Ilúvatar chose to include them in his creation of the world along with the elves and men that he made. This is because it is a secret language that they don't...
  3. Koronesuki

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Dwarves are quite literally built different.
  4. Koronesuki

    Hololive General

    Here's an animation featuring @agility_ 's favorite Hololive members: Bonus clips of Kobo talking about interacting with both of them:
  5. Koronesuki

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I haven't watched it either, but if the idea sounds interesting to you, I would recommend watching Cop Craft instead. It's a buddy cop show about a Japanese-American detective and an elf knight. It's based on a light novel series by Shoji Gatoh (the author of Full Metal Panic!), with character...
  6. Koronesuki

    Hololive General

    @NeneLOVE your wife has something to say: An animation of Korone and Biboo meeting in Minecraft: Risu recognized Biboo by her aura: Niko avoids disturbing Miko and Suisei and observes teetee: Ollie brings Flare and Ina together and observes teetee: Ina fangirling over Saori Hayami:
  7. Koronesuki

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    And people doubted me when I said that Russians were basically dwarves.
  8. Koronesuki

    Hololive General

    Yeah, everyone got sick except for Ame, who then went home and caught covid from the Watson family instead.
  9. Koronesuki

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

  10. Koronesuki

    Hololive General

    I got Ao-chan. I'm worried that she'll accidentally hurt herself without me setting any booby traps.
  11. Koronesuki

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    Zeal Ginjoka sounds more like an herbal supplement that you can buy over the counter, but yeah, the others all sound like something you'd see in one of those ads where half of the ad is the list of side effects.
  12. Koronesuki

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    https://www.reddit.com/r/TolkienArt/comments/1gxg0xz/gandalf_confronts_the_balrog_of_moria_angus/ Angus McBride depicted the balrog without wings. That's good enough for me.
  13. Koronesuki

    Hololive General

    Okayu and Korone reminiscing about the video call that started it all:
  14. Koronesuki

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I wish they had done the entire trilogy. The 1977 Hobbit film is still the best adaptation of Tolkien's best work.
  15. Koronesuki

    Hololive General

    Shion is asked if her fans will meet her again: Korone wants to fly. Who is inside those mascot costumes? Biboo sneezes:
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