Image | Title | Text |
Phase Connect | ||
Shiina Sad Bee |
:shiinasadbee: | |
SmugPipi |
:smugpipi: | |
Annoyed Pippa |
:annoyedpippa: | |
Pippa Sad |
:pippasadl: | |
I can fix her! |
:icanfixher: | |
Seethe |
:pippaseethe; | |
Tenma - Your Mom |
:tenmayourmom: | |
Please Pippa |
:sakanapleasepippa: | |
Pippa Worship |
:pippaworship: | |
Vomit Drawer |
:vomitdrawer: | |
Sakana Fried |
:fishfry: | |
Shiina Stare |
:shiinastare: | |
Shiina Wangy |
:shiinawangy: | |
The Smell |
:wtfman: | |
Fishman - Dispair |
:fishmandispair: | |
Mold 1 |
:mold1: | |
Mold 2 |
:mold2: | |
Sorcerous Laugh |
:gloomiLaugh: | |
Panko - Smug |
:pankosmug: | |
PippaNumbers |
:pippanumbers: | |
Hololive | ||
Anyannoyed |
:anyannoyed: | |
FaunaFlushed |
:faunaflushed: | |
GigiLaugh |
:gigilaugh: | |
NemuSmug |
:nemusmug: | |
Dan Dan |
:dandanl: | |
Gura Dumb |
:guradumbl: | |
IRyS Thumbsup |
:irysthumbsupl: | |
Miko Thumbsup |
:mikothumbsl: | |
Ame Gun |
:amegunl: | |
Ina Hungry |
:inahungryl: | |
Korone Happy |
:koronehappyl: | |
Kronii Subway |
:kroniisubwayl: | |
Nene WOW |
:nenewowl: | |
Peko Peko |
:pekol: | |
Peko Muslim |
:pekomusliml: | |
Ina Tired |
:inatiredl: | |
Haachama Loading |
:loading: | |
Yagoo Crying |
:yagoocry: | |
I approb! |
:shubaIapprob: | |
Kronii Shocked by the Phone |
:kroniiphone: | |
Cali Vomitting |
:calivomit: | |
Depressed Tako |
:depressedtako: | |
Suisei Psycopath |
:suiseipyscho: | |
Watamelon |
:watamelon: | |
Gura Finger |
:gurafinger: | |
Fauna Cry |
:faunacry: | |
You little shit! |
:youlittleshit: | |
Kaela Laugh |
:kaelalaugh: | |
Cali Drinking |
:calidrinking: | |
Yubi |
:yubi: | |
:orly: | |
Pain Peko |
:painpeko: | |
Gun Peko |
:gunpeko: | |
That's bait! |
:thatsbait: | |
Semper Fi! |
:gurasemperfi: | |
A! |
:guraa: | |
Nehgah! |
:nehgah: | |
Nuts! |
:nuts: | |
Kaela Approves! |
:kaelaapprob: | |
Hic! |
:hic: | |
Chaos! |
:chaos: | |
Hope! |
:hope: | |
Guh! |
:guh: | |
Mehhera |
:menhera: | |
Kikiriki |
:kikiriki: | |
Smug Ina |
:smugina: | |
Wah! |
:wah: | |
Smug Shuba |
:smugsubaru: | |
Smug Moona |
:smugmoona: | |
Lean! |
:lean: | |
Cursed Bae |
:cursedbae: | |
Cursed Haachama |
:cursedhaachama: | |
Cursed Peko |
:cursedpeko: | |
Ame Halloween |
:amehalloween: | |
Cali Halloween |
:calihalloween: | |
Gura Halloween |
:gurahalloween: | |
Ina Halloween |
:inahalloween: | |
IRyS Halloween |
:iryshalloween: | |
Kiara Halloween |
:kiarahalloween: | |
Mumei Halloween |
:mumeihalloween: | |
Fubuki Sasuga |
:fubukisasuga: | |
A-Chan Sasuga |
:achansasuga: | |
A-Chan Naruhodo |
:naruhodo: | |
Get Some Help! |
:gsh: | |
Ina Nerdy |
:inanerdy: | |
Pekora Kaczynski |
:pekok: | |
Sana Smile |
:sanasmile: | |
Confused Subaru |
:confusedshuba: | |
Subaru Grabbing |
:grabbingsubaru: | |
PonRyS |
:ponrys: | |
Ina - Unravel |
:inaunravel: | |
IRyS 2.0 - Smug |
:smugrys: | |
Hag |
:holohag: | |
Love |
:hololove: | |
Ina - Tomorrow! |
:tomorrow: | |
Tako - Cope |
:takocope: | |
Kropium |
:kropium: | |
Kronii - Drinking |
:kroniidrinking: | |
kroanger |
:kroanger: | |
kropat |
:kropat: | |
krofused |
:krofused: | |
kroheart |
:kroheart: | |
kroded |
:kroded: | |
IRyS - Recording |
:irysrecording: | |
kroevil |
:kroevil: | |
IRyS - Woooo |
:iryswooo: | |
Bijou - Bijou |
:BijouBijou: | |
Tako - ¡ESL! |
:takoesl: | |
Smug AZKI |
:smugazki: | |
Age of 30 Is In Demand |
:hagdemand: | |
Biboo Popcorn |
:BibooPopcorn: | |
Takodachi realizes his new oshi is Chinese |
:takoChinese: | |
Amelia Thinking |
:ameliaThink: | |
Luna - Nnaaani |
:lunannaaani: | |
Kaela - GSH v2 |
:kaelagshgsh!: | |
Kiara - Gosling |
:kiaragosling: | |
Towa - Peeved |
:towapeeved: | |
Laplus - Gun |
:laplusgun: | |
PogRys |
:pogrys2022: | |
IRyS - What? |
:iryswhat: | |
Yagoo at Bat! |
:yagooatbat: | |
Raora Italian |
:raoraItalian: | |
WataCreep |
:wataCreep: | |
Miko Inshanya |
:mikoInshanya: | |
Holostars | ||
Dez Laughing |
:deztheroom: | |
Magni - Cope |
:magnicope: | |
Vesper - What a story |
:whatastory: | |
Vesper - Your Tearing me apart! |
:urtearingmeapart: | |
:Vesper-UNHINGED: | |
Magni - 2mag2furious |
:tomagatyou: | |
Vesper - Facepalm |
:vesperfacepalm: | |
Nijisanji | ||
Educated Yourself! |
:educateyourself: | |
Selen HAHAHA! |
:SelenHAHAhere: | |
Smug Selen |
:smugselen: | |
Educated Yourself 2 |
:educateyourself2: | |
Meds! More meds! |
:medsmoremeds: | |
Kyo - That's Racist! |
:thatsracist: | |
Mito - Think! |
:mitothink: | |
Kotoka - You Retard |
:kotokayouretard: | |
Zaion - What's going on up there? |
:zaionwhatsgoingon: | |
Nina Kosaka - Bunny Wow |
:bunnywow: | |
Nina Kosaka - Wave |
:NinaWave: | |
Pomu Salute |
:pomuSalute: | |
Pomu Panic |
:PomuPanic: | |
Pomu Angry |
:PomuAngry: | |
Pomu Excited |
:PomuExcited: | |
Pomu Love |
:pomuLove: | |
Pomu Stare |
:pomuStare: | |
:sinktheyacht: | |
Kurosanji |
:kurosanji: | |
Riku "Big Money" Tazumi |
:rikutazumi: | |
VoxPpinYourCoke |
:voxppinyourcoke: | |
Any Color W (Uno Reverse) |
:anycolorw: | |
Indie/Misc. | ||
Makoto Misaki |
:makotomisaki: | |
Akira Misaki |
:akiramisaki: | |
Katta-Semetic-Content |
:Katta-Semetic-Content: | |
Ironmouse Kek |
:ironmousekek: | |
Mozumi Pichi |
:MozumiPichi: | |
Dokibird Smug |
:dokiSmug: | |
Chibi - Brain Damage |
:chibiBrainDamage: | |
Dokibird - what? |
:dokibirdWhat: | |
RRats |
:rratsareWinning: | |
Doki I will be normal |
:dokinormal: | |
NimiCry |
:nimicry: | |
Sunny - Excuse Me? |
:sunnyexcuseme: | |
Unauthorized Memes |
:unauthorizedmemes: | |
MintCrazy |
:mintcrazy: | |
DokiSmugNew |
:dokiSmugNew: | |
DokiWTF |
:dokiWTF: | |
DokiDread |
:dokiDread: | |
Beatani | ||
Beatani - Mug break |
:beatanimug: | |
Beatani - Yab |
:beataniyab: | |
Beatani - Reps |
:beatanireps: | |
Beatani - Meds |
:beatanimeds: | |
Beatani - Looking |
:beatanilooking: | |
Beatani - Away! |
:away: | |
Beatani - Eye hearts |
:eyehearts: | |
Beatani - Ugh |
:beataniugh: | |
Beatani - Crying |
:beatanicrying: | |
Beatani - Mutt |
:mutt: | |
Animated | ||
IRyS head shake |
:irysisadork: | |
Tenma - Hate this Whore |
:hatethiswhore: | |
Sister Marine - Praying |
:marinepraying: | |
Pippa Squish |
:pippasquish: | |
LOLwat |
:lolwat: | |
Panik! |
:panik: | |
Chunni |
:chunni: | |
Shuba Poptart? |
:poptart: | |
Yabai! |
:fubukiyabai!: | |
Kiara Pathetic! |
:pathetic: | |
Kizuna AI - NANI?! |
:kanani: | |
Miko FAQU |
:faqu: | |
Millie EWW! |
:ewww: | |
Kyo - That’s Racist |
:kyoracist: | |
Ame - Oh no, anyway. |
:ameohno: | |
Botan - Shrug |
:botanshrug: | |
Pippa - Fuck off! |
:pippadfuckoff: | |
Botan - Headshake |
:botanheadshake: | |
Selen - Point & Laugh |
:selenpointandlaugh: | |
Tenma - This is stupid |
:thisisstupid: | |
Kson - Talent Freedom |
:talentfreedom: | |
Magni - No! |
:magnino: | |
Ame - Popcorn |
:amepopcorn: | |
Vesper - Nice |
:vespernice: | |
Pikamee - LOLCalmDown |
:lolcalmdown: | |
SisClair - Whore |
:youroshiisawhore: | |
Vesper - HnnnGGggg |
:vesperhnngggg: | |
Kazuna AI - Jeeesus! |
:kaijesssus: | |
Lisa - Burp (sorry) |
:lisaburp: | |
Kronii - Bitch Clap |
:kroniibitchclap: | |
Pekora - Nod |
:pekonod: | |
Ame - Heh |
:ameheh: | |
Gura - Autism |
:guratism: | |
Polka - Light Sticks |
:polkasticks: | |
Haachama - Vomit |
:vomit: | |
Bae - What a Cunt! |
:baewhatacunt: | |
Haachama - Take your meds |
:takeyourmeds: | |
Pippa - Autism Vortex |
:autismvortex: | |
Vesper - Nosebleed |
:vespernosebleed: | |
:irysyabairys: | |
Subaru - Clapping |
:subaruclapping: | |
Nene - Dancing |
:nenedance: | |
Nene - I don’t care! |
:neneIdontcare: | |
Pikamee - Fuck! |
:pikameefuck: | |
Pikamee - Pain! |
:pikameepain: | |
:Ame-IKNEWIT: | |
:Pekora-EVILGRIN: | |
:Fauna-AKSHUALLY: | |
Ame-BOO |
:Ame-BOO: | |
WHORE!!! |
:WHORE!!!: | |
Robertu - Drink! |
:robertudrink: | |
Roboco-MEMENOD |
:Roboco-MEMENOD: | |
Mumei-REE |
:Mumei-REE: | |
Nene - based |
:nenebased: | |
Miko - K |
:mikok: | |
Gura - Stress |
:gurastress: | |
Kiara - ChefKiss |
:kiarachefkiss: | |
Ame - Dumbass |
:amedumbass: | |
Sana - STFU |
:sanastfu: | |
Gura - Wave |
:gurawave: | |
Gura - I'm watching you! |
:guraimwatchingyou: | |
Kobo - Haram |
:koboharam: | |
Kirsche - I can fix her! |
:kirscheicfh: | |
Pochi - I don't like it! |
:pochiidontlikeit: | |
Rin - It's retarded! |
:rinitsretarded: | |
:Zaion-HAHAFAYAH: | |
Nolan - Bean |
:nolanbean: | |
Pippa - Bro what a fucking goblin! |
:pippabrogoblin: | |
Juna - WHY |
:Juna-WHY: | |
Lumi + Tenma - Kill Him |
:lumitenmakillhim: | |
Lisa - Fingerguns |
:lisafingerguns: | |
Airi - Depressed |
:airidepressed: | |
Vesper - Seeeeeex! |
:Vesper-SEEEX!: | |
VesperTrio - NOWWELAUGH |
Tenma - KYS |
:tenmakys: | |
Kiara - God No God Nooooo! |
:kiaragodno: | |
Gura - Who?! |
:gurawho: | |
Ame - Rain & Tear |
:ameraintear: | |
Subaru - STOP! |
:subarustop: | |
YAGOO - ok bro da fuck is this |
:yagoodafuckisthis: | |
Botan Pat |
:botanpat: | |
Gura Booba |
:gurabooba: | |
Lui Dance |
:luidance: | |
Marine Smug |
:marinesmug: | |
Marine What |
:marinewhat: | |
Kson Squish |
:ksonsquish: | |
Chihiro Play Apex |
:chihiroapex: | |
BaeRatJam |
:baeJam: | |
Jelly Slurs |
:jellySlurs: | |
Millie - Loser |
:millieLoser: | |
Randon - Angry Fap |
:randonFap: | |
Axel - Confused Fap |
:confusedFap: | |
Kiara - Kill it with fire |
:killitwithfire: | |
Riku - This is Fine |
:thisisFine: | |
Timelooping |
:timelooping: | |
Amelia - GAAAAAAY |
:ameliaGAY: | |
:ripVOD: | |
Kaela - Get Some Help |
:kaelaGetSomeHelp: | |
Ame - X to Doubt |
:amextodoubt: | |
Monkey Paw |
:monkeypaw: | |
Gura - Eating |
:guraeating: | |
Polka - Woman Moment |
:polkawomanmoment: | |
Super Migo |
:supermigo: | |
Hypermigo |
:hypermigo: | |
Wawa-Spazzing |
:wawaspazzing: | |
Petra - Get the fuck out! |
:petragetthefuckout: | |
Ollie - Halal |
:olliehalal: | |
Pippa - Fuck Yeah |
:pippafuckyeah: | |
A Chan - Waving Goodbye |
:achangoodbye: | |
Raora - MAMAMIA |
:RaoraMAMAMIA: | |
Kiara - Awwwwoooooogaaaaaa |
:kiaraawooooga | |
Pippa - You Sick Fucks! |
:pippayousickfucks: | |
Uruka - Smallest Violin |
:urukasmallestviolin: | |
Doki - Wheeze |
:dokiwheeze: | |
Myth - I'm not a rapper |
:mythimnotarapper: | |
Ame - FBI OPEN UP! |
:amefbiopenup: | |
Voms | ||
Pikamee Cringe! |
:pikacringe: | |
Pikamee Faku! |
:pikafaku: | |
Pikamee UFUK |
:pikaufuk: | |
Pikamee WUT |
:pikaWUT: | |
Pikamee Yabai! |
:pikayabai: | |
Tomoshika - Kill the ho |
:killtheho: | |
Tomoshika - Slowly Plz |
:slowlyplz: | |
Crush Reacts | ||
Crush - Fucking Sob |
:crushfuckingsob: | |
Nolan Crush - Homie are you autistic? |
:crushautistic: | |
Nolan - That's Racist Bro. |
:nolanihopeyournotblack: | |
Nolan - Cries |
:nolancries: | |
Crush - Sobs |
:crushsobs: | |
Crush - Face |
:crushface: | |
Crush - Racist |
:crushracist: | |
I guess I was being a bit autistic |
:iguessIwasbeingabitautistic: | |
My Wife is so Beautiful! |
:mywifenolan: | |
Nolan Normal |
:nolanNormal: | |
Crush - Keeps Getting Worse |
:crushGettingWorse: | |
Crush - Cries A Lot |
:crushcriesalot: | |
Crush - Sighs |
:crushsighs: | |
Oh no… sighs. |
:ohnosighs: | |
Crush - Replied to You |
:crushrepliedtoyou: | |
Crush - Retarded Awful Brother |
:crushretardedawfulbrother: | |
Nolan - It was not in fact completely fine |
:nolanitwasnotfine: | |
Crush - I'm allowed to do this |
:CrushAllowed: | |
Total Nolan Supremacy |
:totalnolansupremacy: | |
Crush - wtf is wrong with you people |
:crushwtfiswrong: | |
Crush - Vent Channel |
:crushventmeplz: | |
Nolan - BBS |
:nolanbbs: | |
Crush - I didn't know I was going to get banned! |
:crushbanned: | |
Nolan - Hugs? |
:nolanhugs?: | |
Nolan - I wish |
:nolanIwish: | |
Reactions | ||
Play The Game |
:canadianmonopolymoney: | |
The Architect |
:architect: | |
Gura Cursed |
:guracursed: | |
Incoming Autism! |
:incoming: | |
Islamic Content |
:islamiccontent: | |
Twitter Sperg! |
:twittersperg: | |
Coomer Post |
:coomer: | |
Lolcow Noel |
:lolcownoel: | |
OK Boomer |
:okboomer: | |
Sperg! |
:sperg: | |
Touch Grass, please. |
:touchgrass: | |
Autism Awareness |
:autismawareness: | |
Toilet paper roll |
:toiletpaperroll: | |
No Opsec! |
:noopsec: | |
Optimistic! |
:optimistic: | |
Retard! |
:retard: | |
TMI! |
:tmi: | |
Certified Proctor Moment |
:certifiedproctormoment: | |
ProctorNormies |
:proctorNormies: | |
Proctor - Whew Whew |
:proctorwhewwhewwhew: | |
Chris Hansen |
:hansen: | |
Certified China Post |
:ccp: | |
Community Happenings - Meds |
:medscommunity: | |
Unicornass |
:Unicornass: | |
Keeki Face |
:keeekiface: | |
Props | ||
Meds |
:medsl: | |
Gun |
:gun: | |
Default Smiles | ||
Smile |
:) :-) (: | |
Wink |
;) | |
Frown |
:( | |
Mad |
:mad: >:( :@ | |
Confused |
:confused: | |
Cool |
:cool: 8-) | |
Stick out tongue |
:p :P :-p :-P | |
Big grin |
:D | |
Eek! |
:eek: :o | |
Oops! |
:oops: | |
Roll eyes |
:rolleyes: | |
Er... what? |
o_O O_o o.O O.o | |
Cautious |
:cautious: | |
Censored |
:censored: | |
Crying |
:cry: | |
Love |
:love: | |
Laugh |
:LOL: | |
Sick |
:sick: | |
Sleep |
:sleep: | |
Sneaky |
:sneaky: | |
Thumbs up |
(y) | |
Thumbs down |
(n) | |
Unsure |
:unsure: | |
Whistling |
:whistle: | |
Coffee |
:coffee: | |
Giggle |
:giggle: | |
Alien |
:alien: | |
Devil |
:devilish: | |
Geek |
:geek: | |
Poop |
:poop: | |
Ninja |
:ninja: |