"Oui oui PP"Hakos Baelz & IRyS

The Virtual Asylum

Harrow Prime
Harrow Prime
Chilean. They have the worst kind of Spanish and are overral subhumans.
Agreed, I would rather say they aren't even human, those motherfuckers probably come from alpha centauri or some shit.
I also hate latinos who live in the US and pretend they're better than everyone else back home because they speak broken english and go to starbucks while at the same time shitting on the "gringos" they are leeching from to send money back home. Fucking hypocritical bastards.
racism is fucking fascinating
If you believe the westoid ideology of "EVERYONE BUT WHITE PIPOL SINGS KUMBAYA AND LOVES EACHOTHER" aka the noble savage idea then you are fucking retard, people in the third world are the most racist of all and everyone hates eachother almost as much they hate whitey. Latinos have this constant need to prove who's the whitest and shit on people who are less white while also hating actual white people. It's pure fucking jealousy and spite.
oh I know everyone hates everyone I just enjoy watching it:smugpipi:
Harrow Prime
Harrow Prime
Can't believe it's three for three on Chileans. For once the spics agree on something!
I honestly don't hate chileans that much, the ones I've met are decent people and fairly educated (for latino standards), they just speak and act weird. The worst latinos honestly has to be a tie between venezuelans and argensimians, both are insuffrible fucking egotists who like to fellatio their own continually but shit on the country they've immigrated to (specially venezuelans). Maybe if OUR country is so shit and backwards compared to a socialist dictatorship hellhole and a corrupt inflation-ridden wannabe 1st world country then maybe these people should go back and stay there?
Harrow Prime
Harrow Prime
Oh god I'm starting to get flashbacks to the time you gave me a lesson in South American economics and politics.
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