"Moral of the story: just don't be a dick!"Hakos Baelz
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  • I am unironically begging vtubers to stop reading imageboards. Your lives will immediately and tangibly improve. You know who you are.

Recent content by Helmet-kun

  1. Helmet-kun

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Which is why I also suggested calling a IRL medical professional and getting their opinion, particularly the ones she has already visited who are familiar with what is going on. They may be able to give her followup advice on her new symptoms or tell her whether or not she needs to go without...
  2. Helmet-kun

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    There is "pushing yourself too hard" and then there's whatever the fuck this is. Yo, @midori. You're coughing up little pieces of your lung right now. Lungs do NOT grow back. If this is not something you heard about as a possibility (with options for what to do if it happened, might I add)...
  3. Helmet-kun


    If Pippa shows up in TVA I'll eat @Saturnus's acrylic stand EDIT: DISCLAIMER: Must be verifiable as Pippa via on-stream statement:smugpipi:
  4. Helmet-kun

    The Music Thread

    Here, have some of the more esoteric 90's one hit wonders. For those of us who remember songs but have never been able to find them. I still don't quite get why so many songs/bands from the 90's ended up being one-offs, its obviously indicative of some kind of trend but I'm not sure...
  5. Helmet-kun

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Unironically yes. Pippa may well be less capable of handling awkward interactions like that than Doki is when push comes to shove. But when DMs get missed or disappear into the muck of social anxiety that 90% of these women seem to struggle with, management should step up IMO. If it wasn't...
  6. Helmet-kun

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I'm going to highlight something mentioned on stream that this clip edits out almost in its entirety. Doki and Mint mutually followed each other on twitter and were going to leave it at that, it was a member of Doki's management team who got the ball rolling for them to actually interact again...
  7. Helmet-kun

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Time for some WRESTLETUBER CLIPS Doki and Mint were making out over the intermission. Mint vs Matara, where Mint cosplays as Lord Farquaad and rides the cockroach like a horse. The final tournament match, where Bettel wins everything for five seconds, only to lose to the most cursed...
  8. Helmet-kun

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Proctor is a clique member confirmed, pack it up boys
  9. Helmet-kun

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Ten bucks says the only reason she didn't graduate instead of doing her "announcement" a couple months ago was because she hadn't finished the donothon yet
  10. Helmet-kun

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    HoloID continues to be meta (and based) as fuck Risu describes the ultimate skill of your mom Apparently HoloH3ro doesn't like sweet food
  11. Helmet-kun

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I had a big stupid grin on my face for the entire stream. The thing that made the Niji implosion suck so much was the idea that everything had kind of fallen apart and that everyone hated each other, or were all assholes ganging up on Doki, or both. Seeing Mint and Doki still bantering and...
  12. Helmet-kun

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Why is it that 90% of recent clips are 30 second hyperclose-ups of whatever v-tuber moment being cut off halfway through? Like hot damn I ignore shorts for a reason, just throw it in there so I don't have to get spammed. Some things only take 30 seconds but still.
  13. Helmet-kun

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    This collab is so good Lui is so good Ina's dad SLEEPS with SANALITES Dtto gets so pissed she switches to Japanese and rips Rpr a new one, it's great.
  14. Helmet-kun

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    It was Nijidrama that got me here, but I just lurked without making an account for a while. I'd be willing to bet that a few of the other recent newfags are the same way. Might need to take this one back to the drawing board: Politsperging, retarded woman, and Proctor longposting are all the...
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