"The whole point of my streams is that nothing's supposed to go right! Don't tell me how to be better!"Dizzy Dokuro

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  1. Jean Valjean

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I get where she's coming from, but things would benefit a lot if she'd stop vagueposting on a public account. Please, Twisty. Your personal life isn't a spectacle for our entertainment, as you said, so please stop making it available for bad actors to point towards. Internet privacy was a widely...
  2. Jean Valjean

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    Still can't believe Gura crawled out of her cave like Amaterasu after Ame-no-Uzume made enough of a commotion to drag her out. Judging by the Aqua Precedent, this means Gura is graduating in a few months. :baeJam:
  3. Jean Valjean

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    Impossible indeed.
  4. Jean Valjean

    Nijisanji L Collection

    For visibility purposes. Twisty's been pretty consistently mad at leavebeggars. I will refrain from judgement on the matter, but I do think she may end up getting hate from all sides. archive EDIT: I'm a dumbass this got covered in the other thread already clock me
  5. Jean Valjean

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    I do love her mutually antagonistic relationship with chat. Without chat trolling her we wouldn't get things like Andou Rainbow Johnny Johnny or her unofficial fan name being Trash. Clip tax:
  6. Jean Valjean

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    This fucking flood of memberships is crashing my browser.
  7. Jean Valjean

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Ah, the yapping. How I missed thee.
  8. Jean Valjean

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    This makes me feel bittersweet. On one hand, grand return of the person behind Fauna. On the other hand, it just drives home the fact that Fauna is gone for good, truly.
  9. Jean Valjean

    General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

    Chat is calling her medium. Ah, back to old times. League mentioned it's so over
  10. Jean Valjean

    TVA's DEADPOOL 2025 (and Morgue)

    I guessed Hanamaki last time but I'm now somewhat inclined towards the idea that Nijisanji is somehow plugging the NijiID conga line, so I don't think she'll leave within this year unless all of ID drops. 1. Wosemi. No real reason, just wishful thinking. Has the most goodwill among the ex-Niji...
  11. Jean Valjean

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I really, really don't hate Kuro, and I enjoyed the Mysta and Mika duo, but that man would really be far better off if he knew when to keep his mouth shut. Hell, I actively want to like him but dude should really stop touching the poop. At least he's not Quinn.
  12. Jean Valjean

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Neuro-sama has officially hit the all time Twitch hype train record. Over eleven days of guaranteed subathon. Anny is the greatest hype woman Vedal could ever ask for.
  13. Jean Valjean

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    "Super duper", huh. :smugpipi:
  14. Jean Valjean

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Twisty calls everyone out. archive
  15. Jean Valjean

    Nijisanji L Collection

    Watch Twisty get the axe and Aster be let off scot free. :smugpipi: More seriously, I hope they both leave (Twisty for her own sake as long as it isn't as bad as Selen's whole thing, and Aster because sexpest), but considering this is Nijisanji they'll probably manage to fuck this up. A very...
  16. Jean Valjean

    Nijisanji L Collection

    It's just the Aster stuff. Big picture wise not really anything we didn't know over here, but I suppose it's reaching a wider audience now. Goes beyond Nijisanji itself too.
  17. Jean Valjean

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Good old Chammers playing us like a damn fiddle. Truly the strongest idol even if I had a momentary heart attack.
  18. Jean Valjean

    Hololive L Collection

    Mood on r/hololive has swung in the direction of the anti doom posting people after Shiori and Bae came out against it. I expect the usual Reddit hugbox to resume soon enough. I do hope the optimistic people are right, though. I don't want Hololive to turn into Nijisanji, but hugbox people...
  19. Jean Valjean

    Hololive L Collection

    Apologies for the r/kurosanji link, but over there they seem to think that the boys are a "when", not an "if". If this is truly the case, well, we'll at least have a lot more content for this thread. Part of me wants to hope that Yagoo won't let his pet project crash and burn. Part of me also...
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