"White power"Murasaki Shion

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  1. Grandmaster Robin

    EIEN Project Disintegrates

    Huh, Blaise was talking to her pl friends about quitting the company once her year contract was up since the company was a "sinking ship" but wasn't expecting it to go down so soon. Guess losing Kilia was too much for them.
  2. Grandmaster Robin

    Production Kawaii Disintegration & Post-Mortem

    Coomer content, at least once a month or so she would do ASMR streams where each dollar was a kiss
  3. Grandmaster Robin

    Production Kawaii Disintegration & Post-Mortem

    To add to this a lot of those subs were bots. Youtube added a feature that lets you pay for advertisements inserted as your video getting pushed in the recommended section off to the side. From experimenting it works in getting your sub numbers up but a lot of those subscribers had fuck knows...
  4. Grandmaster Robin

    Production Kawaii Disintegration & Post-Mortem

    https://www.youtube.com/@CaciVulpeculaCh/streams The discord is something else, even I have no access to it but I'm close to people in her old community that occasionally like to get together and sift through her discord looking at old memories. Important to note is that the last 3 months of...
  5. Grandmaster Robin

    Production Kawaii Disintegration & Post-Mortem

    The only one I know for a fact that lies is Shee Icho, her old Discord is locked but still exists and is ran by her old mods. She used to be unhinged and would shit on unicorns. When she joined Kawaii she had a complete change to GFE leading to many of her close friends from her old persona to...
  6. Grandmaster Robin

    Production Kawaii Disintegration & Post-Mortem

    The Kawaii girls are stupid and listen to /vt/, if unicorns are sperging on the kawaii board you can bet they're reading it
  7. Grandmaster Robin

    Production Kawaii Disintegration & Post-Mortem

    Some reasons I think Kawaii is dying. First, they never had much talent. The company was being carried on Nene's tits for the longest time and you can tell with the amount of investment Kawaii put into her but she still wasn't earning enough to support all the other girls. Second, pandering to...
  8. Grandmaster Robin

    Production Kawaii Disintegration & Post-Mortem

    I have no love for Kawaii but to my knowledge they aren't bad people, just mediocre and stupid. As a company you hire talents to give them support for projects that will bring in more revenue but besides their one 3D concert they have no other outstanding streams or events. Even that concert I...
  9. Grandmaster Robin

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    My bet is on Kawaii dying
  10. Grandmaster Robin

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    http://web.archive.org/web/20200313182233/https://twitter.com/HMzReD402/status/1238528481174134785 I remember this going around a while back, this the same mod?
  11. Grandmaster Robin

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Some insider info, she graduated because she was trying to bring down her genmates, would go around watching their streams and stalking their posts for any little infractions so she could go snitch to management. If you notice by the end of her term at Pixel she wasn't being included in collabs.
  12. Grandmaster Robin

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    If only you knew how many vtubers are actually in a relationship, most of them GFE, and it's almost always with their top donators too if you're looking at indies.
  13. Grandmaster Robin

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Hexa pawning off that ring to pay for a small vacation lol
  14. Grandmaster Robin

    EvilToaster's Escapades - Sexpest vtuber Ambassador with a 57-page Google Doc

    Going through most of it all I have to say is that I hate everyone involved.
  15. Grandmaster Robin

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I don't believe EIEN hired her knowing this, as is Blaise/Mogu/Rei deleted her donothon streams soon after words started spreading outside her ex-friend group. If anything it would just show that EIEN has a vetting problem considering previous issues with Rifu and Kiki. And I'll just be clear...
  16. Grandmaster Robin

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I hit enter too quickly on my post :fishmandispair:
  17. Grandmaster Robin

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I suck with editing please forgive: Blaise had two previous incidents as Mogu/Rei, her dog was injured due to some kids she was babysitting, only she later admitted to her close friends that the dog was injured due to her own negligence. She had two donothons to pay for the dog's surgery, only...
  18. Grandmaster Robin

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Fuck it, I'll just dump what I have and you guys can believe it or not. https://www.youtube.com/@BlaiseShinryu This is Blaise Shinryuu, previously known as Akumako Rei/ Mogu Moge
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